‘‘Global Flash Fiction in Urdu Translation: Background, Foreground, and Analysis”


  • Munir Abbas Sipra Ph.D Scholar, Department of Urdu,Minhaj University Lahore Author
  • Dr. Munawar Amin Assistant Professor, Department of Urdu, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan Translator
  • Muhammad Ajmal Khan M.Phil, Department of Urdu, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan Author


The translations of global flash fiction into Urdu are not only a new addition to Urdu literature but also a means of representing the Urdu language on an international level. The history of flash fiction is rooted in ancient fables, Panchatantra, and Jataka tales, where writers like Aesop, Sheikh Saadi, Maulana Rumi, and Mulla Nasruddin used short stories to highlight moral values and human weaknesses. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the genre gained popularity with Nobel laureates like Franz Kafka, Yasunari Kawabata, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Naguib Mahfouz. These writers effectively explored themes such as human psychology, societal issues, and magical realism in their short stories, conveying deep meaning with fewer words.Urdu literature has also embraced global flash fiction, and it continues to evolve alongside the tradition of short stories. The fast pace of life and limited time have contributed to the increasing popularity of flash fiction, incorporating contemporary issues like technology and identity into the genre. Modern writers have adopted various styles, making this genre even more intriguing.

Keywords: Global Flash Fiction,Urdu Translations,History, Popular Genre, 4 Nobel Prize Winners.





