Symbolism in Surender Prakash's Storiesسریندر پرکاش کے افسانوں میں علامت نگاری


  • Dr. Humaira Assistant Professor Urdu, Islamia College University, Peshawar Author
  • Dr. Fazal Kabir Lecturer Urdu Department, Islamia College University Peshawar Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Sulaiman Lecturer Urdu Department, Islamia College University Peshawar Author


Surender Prakash has targeted the mental problems of modern man. His stories are distinguished by the brevity of language and narration and the meaning of the symbols layer by layer. He apparently uses very simple language, as if someone is writing fluently and frankly, but every line is the result of deep thought and after a few sentences, one begins to realize that the reader is facing a mental challenge. The fabric of Surendra Prakash's stories is made up of states between dreams and waking. Therefore, things often come out of their conventional way and the reader is shocked. The combination of semi-conscious and subconscious states also gives sprinkles of surprise here and there, which keeps the story interesting. In Surender Prakash's stories, another world of meaning seems to reside behind the literal and logical meanings of words. He establishes a vast and bright atmosphere of symbolic meanings through a network of metaphors. His mental images are vivid, prominent and dynamic, and a river of events emerges with its own sensory and intellectual ups and downs. For those who can see beyond the literal meaning, Surender Prakash's stories have the reality of a narrative and the appeal of a story.

Key Words: Surender Prakash, problems of modern man, simple language, subconscious states, vivid, prominent, dynamic, reality of a narrative, appeal of a story.





