A Critical Review of Mohsin Naqvi's Manqabat Nigariمحسن نقوی کی منقبت نگاری پرایک نظر


  • Dr.Parveen Kallu Associate Professor Urdu Department , Government College University Faisalabad Author
  • Dr.Nazia Sahar Assistant Professor Department of Urdu Islamia College Peshawar Author
  • Dr.Syed Azwar Abbas Lecturer Urdu Department Hazara University Mansehra Author


The study of Arabic, Persian and Urdu poetry suggests that almost all
the poets have written Manqabat in praise of the Prophet, Ahl-e-Bayt, Caliphs and the saints of Allah. Of course, all these entities arerespected by every Muslim because they have the privilege of beingclose to God. Also, in the presence of the Messenger of Allah, mayAllah bless him and grant him peace, his value is very high. Therefore, when a poet recites auspicious poems in honor of a chosen person, feelings of devotion, respect, honor and desire arise in his heart for that person. It is a natural thing that when we have a deep love for aperson, everything related to him becomes the dearest and whenit comes to the love of the Prophet, may Allah bless himand grant himpeace. Through biography and hadiths, we have given our closeness and virtue to the names and persons of Islam, then we alsoautomatically feel devotion to these holy persons.

Key Words: Mohsin Naqvi's Manqbat Nigari, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Prophet, Ahl al-Bayt, Caliphs, saints of Allah, auspicious poems, persons of Islam, holy persons





